Monday, October 26, 2020

 I thought that surely--by now--things would be getting better, but yesterday was the highest count for Corona virus to date.  All I can say is, "Get your flu shot."  You don't want to fight both of them.  I got mine.

I put the ingredients together (double batch) in a huge pan for a breakfast casserole.  When I bake it, I put it in long sheet cake pans and when done, cut them into 48 portions, wrap in plastic wrap, and freeze them.  I can do it all except stirring it together.  My arm isn't strong enough. It lasts at least three months.  Solves the problem of what to eat for breakfast.  

Saturday, I knew Scott was coming by before he went back to Pryor, so I put everything together, and when he got here I asked him to please stir it all up for me.  He did. I can't do that part any more.  He was in Edmond for his grandson's birthday.  I didn't go.  I'm being extra careful.

Breakfast is always a problem for me because I don't like milk or eggs.  Today, I ate a meatloaf sandwich.  Whatever is left over in the fridge is what I end up eating for breakfast.  Makes no difference to me.  I'll eat about anything if it doesn't have a milk base.  No, I don't eat ice cream either.  Yogurt--no.  I'll eat cereal dry.

I know.  It's not normal.  But it's always been that way.  I don't like sweets either.  Occasionally, pie.  No chocolate.  Pound cake--yessss... 

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