Friday, October 9, 2020

Every time my schedule gets messed up and things get out of order, I can count on a message from my friend in Texas, Rebecca Perkins, to politely ask, "You gonna post today?"

Fridays are the day Ann and I go to garage sales. She picks me up, drives and I usually get get us something to eat for breakfast with one of those two for one coupons.  It's fun.  But it changes my morning routine and I forget to post.

I bought clay pots.  The great big ones.  And roll around things to set them on.  I needed to get ready to bring the succulents inside for the winter.  Spent four dollars total. Big whoop.  I sit in the car most of the time and watch Ann shop.  It's entertainment.  About all the entertainment I get all week.  I don't need to be entertained anyway.  I'm at heart a hermit.  All I need is a book to read.

Every time I run out of something to do, I pray.  Seems like everyone in the world is sick right now.  There is a lot of sadness.  One of the sweet men in my Bible class on Wednesday night--a former pastor--left the church the other morning after a mens meeting and one of his friends accidentally ran over him.  He didn't survive.  

People who don't have God have no hope.  Believers do.  

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