Wednesday, October 14, 2020

My daughter Pat texted me off and on yesterday to ask how I was doing.  It was Ken's birthday.  I'm not an emotional person, but days and events are things we do remember about people.  Pat has always been the sensitive one in the family.

Craig came over to help me with my finances.  Trying to get my ducks in line and clean up all the ifs, ands and buts.  He always has good advice.  I am blessed to have a son-in-law like him.

My lunches are now "Surprise A Meal."  I'm cleaning out the freezer from the one-portion things I have frozen in the past.  Today was delicious.  Chicken breast with basil-pasta.  Some days are not so good.

I have no idea what is going on with the book I wrote and Road-runner press bought from me.  My publisher has quit communicating with me.  I have no idea.  I sure have learned a lot about contracts.  She told me it would be out the Saturday after Thanksgiving in Edmond and the 5th of December in Pryor.  

So much for that happening.  Some people self-publish.  But they have to pay the publisher. (It's a racket.)  At least this company bought the book--but the company has control over when it comes out.  Right now, book stores aren't selling and publishers are holding new manuscripts back.


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