Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Just in case I might lose power...became reality.  No power by noon yesterday and my phone charge was 15%.  I went to the car to plug it into the charger in the car and of course couldn't find where to plug it.  Finally pulled out the change drawer and it was behind (!!!) the back and underneath it on the dash.  No way to see it if you didn't pull the drawer out and look under and behind it.  I guess the Lincoln Town Car people didn't want you to look like you were a smoker.  Ruins their image?

David came over and drove me to Becky's.  I haven't ever seen such devastation other than after a tornado.  Blocked roads.  Trees down through roofs.  Limbs everywhere.  My oak trees in front of the  house are in pieces all over the yard.  Ice everywhere.

I came home last night.  The power came on. 7 this morning it was off again.  When it finally came back on, I backed the car out of the garage and parked it in the driveway.  I wasn't able to lift the garage door without the automatic electric door opener.  I felt totally trapped.  If more limbs fall, they will get my car.  What a mess.

I called Craig and asked him to get me a generator that is automatic.  I don't ever want to go through anything like this again.  I have an automatic electric recliner.  This morn, when the power went off, I was totally reclined with my feet up.  All of you would have laughed watching me get out of the thing.  I didn't realize how wimpy I am.

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