Friday, December 31, 2021
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Today is the last day of the year. Goodby 2021...Welcome 2022. We are finally having a freezing day today. There have been multiple records broken for the low temperatures this month. It has been warm most days. Many days in the 70’s. Oklahoma is the new Florida.
The national weather service confirmed the news that “Tornado Alley” has moved to the East. I hate it for them, but we Okies have had that title my entire life. I didn’t know it could move. Good riddance.
When Jon and Jennifer came to get Tate, they brought Brady with them. He is ten. Tate is six. Just enough difference to tussle. I found out one thing. I can’t handle two of them. One at a time.
Which means that this summer, for Bible School, I have to make a choice, or I could send one of them to Pat or Becky. They are a handful. Boys. I’ve had two boys, so I understand that they love to rumble, but I’m too old to deal with it. One boy--good. Two boys--nope. Good kids, but they are boys.
I raised two girls and two boys. So I do know a little about the subject.
I am going to spend the day doing nothing. That’s my plan. Say goodby to the old year in style.
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Monday, December 27, 2021
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
I’m having trouble with new words because I can’t see the thing they stand for. Words like “Streaming,” and “Bluetooth.” Every time a new word comes out about my phone or TV or computer, I can’t figure out what the word means. When I was growing up, words represented things. Or emotions, or ideas. Now they stand for invisible occurrences that you use in some capacity.
Pod cast. What does that mean? It sounds like pea pod shells you threw away and cast out. I am always going to be a day late and a dollar short about what these words mean.
And letters. Nobody uses the entire words for things. They are identified by letters. Scotus, etc. Someone asked me if I had tried CBD for my pain. “What’s CBD?” I asked. “You know...weed,” they answered. I said, “No, I grow tomatoes. I throw the weeds out.
Someone trying to learn the language of America for the first time wouldn’t understand if you said you were, “Behind the eight ball.’ Or “That’s so funny I’m in stitches.” It’s hard enough learning English without all the letters and funny names for things.
I can’t keep up with it. Technology is moving faster than I can think.
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Passwords are driving me crazy. I used to go into the bank and was identified by my face. No more. I’ve lost that identity. Now I have to have a password. Even through they know me! And just about the time I learn it, they make me change it.
You know you are over the hill when you finally can’t think up any more passwords that you can remember. So you have to write them down and find a place to put them so that nobody else can find them. And then, of course, you forget where you put them.
Eventually, I am going to be locked out of everything that I own. I think I need to put my assets in a Folger’s can and bury them in a post hole like they did in the old west days. I bet there is a fortune out there in post holes. But since all the good land that used to be farms with fences has been covered up with housing developments, who knows where the post holes used to be?
People who developed the west built on the good land, and eventually covered the good land with towns and cities. Small farms are a thing of the past because of the cost of equipment. They can only exist in a small perimeter. Support your local small farmers!
Monday, December 20, 2021
Well, it sounds like we are in for another round of Covid. Eventually, I think we will find out that it is with us forever. You will either get the vaccination, or get Covid. Or both. It’s rather depressing.
I am finally realizing that my life has changed and I am in the condition that I am in, and they can't fix me. You can’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again. I can live with that, but every time you give up a part of your body, you grieve--because you can’t get it back. Then, if you are a realist like me, you adjust to whatever it is and keep on keeping on.
That’s what growing old is all about. Giving things up and going on. This year for the first time, I didn’t put up a single Christmas decoration. Because if I put them up, I would have to take them back down and pack them away--and no one will be at my house but me anyway.
I bought a rib roast for ten people for Christmas Eve. We will go to Becky’s house, not mine. I've had to give up cooking for a crowd which I have done all of my life. The interesting thing is that when you give up things you’ve always done, it’s not too bad. In some ways it is a relief. You’ve had a life pattern that ran you “ragged” and you don’t have to do it any more!! I am in the same place Paul was: In whatever condition I am, therewith to be content. I am truly content. I write, and someone out there is reading it. That is a wonderful feeling. I have a purpose.
Friday, December 17, 2021
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Every day, when I open my Mac to post, I wonder what I am going to have to say. After over 2000 posts, I’m running out of stuff. But some of you joined late, so I guess I could repeat myself. I don’t think any of you would remember what I wrote five years ago anyway.
I started out because I wanted to get the word out there that the first chapter of Genesis was scientifically accurate. It still is. As long as you recognize that dinosaurs existed and that they have to fit into the Biblical account somewhere.
We only have two records of those times. The Biblical account, and the strata remains in the earth. (Bones, leaves, etc. laid down year after year in layers of dirt--strata.) Strata also exists in the ice cores at the poles. Dust, volcanic ash, etc. laid down in yearly layers of ice.
They have huge warehouses of ice cores at the pole to be used by scientists who study strata. Watch Nova. Anyway, dinosaurs existed and went extinct 66 million years ago all at once. And strata holds no fossils after that. No evolution data. Verse one of Genesis says God created two things, the heavens and the earth. Verse two says the earth was a void, dark, formless mass. Not very pretty. Something happened between those two verses to destroy His creation.
Monday, December 13, 2021
Friday, December 10, 2021
Thursday, December 9, 2021
I’m going to live. It was a toss up for awhile. Sepsis. I have repented from pulling the dead cuticle skin off from around my fingernails. sometimes I pull too hard and it bleeds. And that is how bacteria get into my right arm. I have lymphedema in that arm and the lymph can’t drain out and infection begins to build up....
My suggestion is to not get breast cancer, or chemotherapy, or radiation and then you won’t get lymphedema. But if you do, don’t pick at your nails. I’ve repented. I don’t ever want to go through this again. I’ve been hospitalized 6 times with it and had home treatment twice. You would think I would have learned by now. I’m finally convinced that I have to do something drastic or it’s going to deep-six me.
If you get breast cancer and it has spread to your lymph nodes, they have to take the nodes out along with the cancer. Without nodes in your shoulder and arm, you can’t drain lymph--and that is the clean-up system of the body. The good thing is, I lived. One in four American women will get breast cancer. That’s outrageous.
Now that is a pandemic. If it was about men, I bet it would get solved. Oops, what did I just say. Sexism in print. I bet I hear from some of the guys.
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Yesterday was a toss up. Today, I think I’m going to make it. Infusion antibiotics did the trick. My right arm still looks like a red balloon, but I can stand up without fainting. Yea!
I thought I could pull a little piece of skin off one of my fingers--with my teeth instead of clipping it--it tore the skin. Nope. I won’t do that again. They have warned me a zillion times against a puncture to my right hand or arm. I just forget in the moment. I’m not going to forget again. I’ve learned my lesson.
Being good is hard. There are too many ways to fail. I detest the stop sign at the end of my street. It has no purpose. I don’t want to stop there. But the law says stop. It’s one of those “Am I going to be good, or am I going to “kinda” stop. Good is my goal. Being good is an effort.
I have to go back to see the doctor at 11:00 today, so she can decide whether I have to go into the hospital and stay there until this arm clears up. Pat stayed all night with me, she is very compassionate. She will drive me. I’m still not steady on my feet. It is a blessing to be able to call on her when I need someone. Becky would come as well. And I have wonderful neighbors and friends.
I detest being sick.
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Monday, December 6, 2021
Saturday, December 4, 2021
If any of you out there are also writers, you know that most of what you do is edit. And you can’t edit while you are writing. You have to wait for some time to pass, and go back and read it fresh.
I know what I am saying when I write something, but reading it again lets me read it as an outside observer. And sometimes I didn’t say what I wanted to say at all.
All that aside, I have been writing a pamphlet for Christian parents to be able to understand decay rates, strata, carbon dating etc. so that they can be confident that the creation story in Genesis is scientifically accurate--which it is. I don’t expect the average person to know about that stuff, but have tried to simplify it to explain that what the Bible says is true. Not a fable.
Editing it has been going on for months and months. I write. put it down. Forget about it. Reread it again. Edit, and go through the process again. It takes a lot of time. And patience--which I have shared with you that I don’t have very much of. (You aren’t supposed to end a sentence with the word “of.”) Yes, I edit what I blog before I post. Sometimes I catch my mistakes, sometimes I don’t. But I have the best editor in the world. My friend Carolyn patiently listens to what I write and gets me going in the right direction. She is an excellent editor.
Friday, December 3, 2021
My cousin Ann picks me up on Friday morning and we go eat breakfast and garage sale. I never buy anything, but I do try and find things for here that are brand new and unused for her “You did very good” basket. Trinkets and toys.
She teaches piano (She is an OU music major extraordinaire’) and has a basket on the floor by the piano filled with goodies for those piano students who did what they were assigned to do--to pick something. The kids love it
I was over at her house the other day when she was finishing up with a student and I can’t describe how patient she was with him. It would have driven me crazy. One note at a time, one missed a note at a time, replay a note over and over again...for thirty minutes. She was saying, “Good...good” I would have been saying “You’re time is up.”
I do admire gifts in others that I don’t have. And patience is one of those gifts that I didn’t get very much of.
If I was a piano teacher--I do play the piano--I would keep a bottle of aspirin on the piano. God bless piano teachers.
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Not only did I forget to post yesterday--as my close friends advised me--I didn’t get much of anything else done either. I did go to lunch with my friends. And Squig got a bath and a haircut.
My cleaning ladies haven’t been here in four weeks. I don’t know how clean you are, but my idea of clean has deteriorated. The girls called and said they couldn’t be here for two more weeks. I’ve reached my limit and can’t do anything about it. The holidays have messed up their schedules. My house needs cleaning in an extreme way.
As you age, the way you spend money changes. I can’t vacuum anymore, much less move anything to clean under it. And doing my hair is impossible because holding my hands in the air to fix it is too tiring. I’ve re-thought how I spend. Certain luxuries are now necessities.
It’s okay. You just have to learn how to do a different budget. And as frugal as I have always been it is hard. I never paid for anything I could do myself. Yard work, gardening etc. I keep saying to myself that to move somewhere that everything is done for you would cost a fortune. I don’t want everything done for me. Just vacuuming and my hair. Becky and Craig said they would come change my sheets when I need it. There! That’s it. That’s all I need help with. Jeaninne, across the street, has my credit card and buys what I need when she goes to the grocery store. Look around you. There may be an older person that needs a light bulb changed. They all need something done.