Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Once you read the first verse of Genesis and agree that a creative work is a perfect work, you can’t read verse two and say that a void, dark, formless blob is a perfect work.  Something did happen.  I wish God had told us about the years between those two verses, but He didn’t.  What he tells us in the following verses is how he reconstructs the earth, not how he created it.  He’s already done with creating the earth and heavens.

The earth is not 6000 years old--as some religious groups claim.  It is millions of years old. The master Scientist--God himself--put the laws of the universe into play, and carbon decay rate is one of those laws.  All living things are made of carbon and when they die, they decompose with what is called a rate of decay.  You can mark time by it.  God invented it--just like he invented every other scientific law.

Water existed in verse two that had been created in verse one...”God moved on the face of the deep.”  And life in the water continued living undisturbed.  Land life died out at the exact time an asteroid hit the Yucatann sulfur deposits, shook the globe and darkened the skies with smoke as sulfur burned.  (The earth was dark...)  Plant life died because the food chain disintegrated.   Land life died, but water life didn’t. 

That’s why evolution theorists try to prove that we evolved from the things in the water.  Life on earth disappeared between Genesis 1 and 2 and there is almost nothing in strata after that.  Nada.  Nothing.  No evolving life forms.  And reappears, seemingly bursting out of nowhere after 66 million years.  Skip to verse 21 to see where God begins to create again. 

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