Monday, December 13, 2021

Today, I am going to Hideaway Pizza to restore my pizza slices that I eat for breakfast.  I order three pizzas, fruit, and slice them into eighteen pieces.  If you haven’t eaten their mushroom appetizer, you’ve missed one of the best things ever. 

Pat brought a horse with her and parked the trailer in the street, so we can’t be gone long.  His name is Rudy, and he comes every Monday to the vet so Pat and I go somewhere for lunch.  Pat has been dragging a horse trailer around for most of her life. 

She bought and sold horses for the YMCA out of Tulsa for years.  She ran their camp Takatoka (out by Wagoner) every summer when she wasn’t teaching school.  And found families to take the horses to board over the winter--getting the horses to them and going back to get them in June.  They did week long camps for the deaf and also blind children in addition to the other week long camps. 

She just got back from upper Illinois where a vet friend lives.  She drug two horses with her up there and back.  She does love horses.

With Ken it was planes.  With Pat it has always been horses.  I don’t particularly care for either one.  But I will fly.  And occasionally, when I am at Pat’s, I do get on a horse.

Personally, I like my dog.  All the people in my family have strange habits of transportation.

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