Saturday, December 4, 2021

If any of you out there are also writers, you know that most of what you do is edit.  And you can’t edit while you are writing.  You have to wait for some time to pass, and go back and read it fresh.

I know what I am saying when I write something, but reading it again lets me read it as an outside observer.  And sometimes I didn’t say what I wanted to say at all.

All that aside, I have been writing a pamphlet for Christian parents to be able to understand decay rates, strata, carbon dating etc. so that they can be confident that the creation story in Genesis is scientifically accurate--which it is.  I don’t expect the average person to know about that stuff, but have tried to simplify it to explain that what the Bible says is true.  Not a fable.

Editing it has been going on for months and months.  I write. put it down.  Forget about it.  Reread it again.  Edit, and go through the process again.  It takes a lot of time.  And patience--which I have shared with you that I don’t have very much of. (You aren’t supposed to end a sentence with the word “of.”)  Yes, I edit what I blog before I post.  Sometimes I catch my mistakes, sometimes I don’t.  But I have the best editor in the world.  My friend Carolyn patiently listens to what I write and gets me going in the right direction.  She is an excellent editor.

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