Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The youngest of my clan, Jonathan, is bringing his wife Jennifer and two boys Brady and Tate today.  Tate is going to stay all night for the first time.  He is excited.  I just wonder how  in the world I am going to keep him entertained.

Jonathan has made me picture rails to set picture frames on.  I am excited.  I can get a dozen or so pictures up without having to nail and level them.

It has been a busy week.  Tonight, I made veggie stew with the left over prime rib.  I made a pan of cornbread and they ate it all.  No leftovers.

Jon’s two boys are younger than some of my great-grandchildren.  Jon was born nine years after I was done (done) having children.  Surprise child.  So he got a late start having children. Tate is in the first grade.  My oldest grandchild is forty in February.  The great-children are in between all that.

Like I have said before, My quiver is full of arrows (as the Bible puts it).

We are almost to a new year.  I know it has to be better.  The last two have been difficult to say the least.  Thank God I didn’t get Covid.

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