Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Yesterday was a toss up.  Today, I think I’m going to make it.  Infusion antibiotics did the trick.  My right arm still looks like a red balloon, but I can stand up without fainting.  Yea!  

I thought I could pull a little piece of skin off one of my fingers--with my teeth instead of clipping it--it tore the skin.  Nope.  I won’t do that again.  They have warned me a zillion times against a puncture to my right hand or arm.  I just forget in the moment.  I’m not going to forget again.  I’ve learned my lesson. 

Being good is hard.  There are too many ways to fail.  I detest the stop sign at the end of my street.  It has no purpose.  I don’t want to stop there.  But the law says stop.  It’s one of those “Am I going to be good, or am I going to “kinda” stop.  Good is my goal.  Being good is an effort.

I have to go back to see the doctor at 11:00 today, so she can decide whether I have to go into the hospital and stay there until this arm clears up.  Pat stayed all night with me, she is very compassionate.  She will drive me.  I’m still not steady on my feet.  It is a blessing to be able to call on her when I need someone.  Becky would come as well.  And I have wonderful neighbors and friends.

I detest being sick.

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