Monday, December 20, 2021

Well, it sounds like we are in for another round of Covid.  Eventually, I think we will find out that it is with us forever.  You will either get the vaccination, or get Covid.  Or both.  It’s rather depressing.

I am finally realizing that my life has changed and I am in the condition that I am in, and they can't fix me.  You can’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again.  I can live with that, but every time you give up a part of your body, you grieve--because you can’t get it back.  Then, if you are a realist like me, you adjust to whatever it is and keep on keeping on.  

That’s what growing old is all about.  Giving things up and going on.  This year for the first time, I didn’t put up a single Christmas decoration.  Because if I put them up, I would have to take them back down and pack them away--and no one will be at my house but me anyway.

I bought a rib roast for ten people for Christmas Eve.  We will go to Becky’s house, not mine.  I've had to give up cooking for a crowd which I have done all of my life.  The interesting thing is that when you give up things you’ve always done, it’s not too bad.  In some ways it is a relief.  You’ve had a life pattern that ran you “ragged” and you don’t have to do it any more!!  I am in the same place Paul was: In whatever condition I am, therewith to be content.  I am truly content.  I write, and someone out there is reading it.  That is a wonderful feeling.  I have a purpose.

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