Thursday, December 30, 2021

Today is the last day of the year.  Goodby 2021...Welcome 2022.  We are finally having a freezing day today.  There have been multiple records broken for the low temperatures this month.  It has been warm most days.  Many days in the 70’s.  Oklahoma is the new Florida.

The national weather service confirmed the news that “Tornado Alley” has moved to the East.  I hate it for them, but we Okies have had that title my entire life.  I didn’t know it could move.  Good riddance.

When Jon and Jennifer came to get Tate, they brought Brady with them.  He is ten.  Tate is six.  Just enough difference to tussle.  I found out one thing.  I can’t handle two of them.  One at a time.

Which means that this summer, for Bible School, I have to make a choice, or I could send one of them to Pat or Becky.  They are a handful.  Boys.  I’ve had two boys, so I understand that they love to rumble, but I’m too old to deal with it.  One boy--good.  Two boys--nope.  Good kids, but they are boys.  

I raised two girls and two boys.  So I do know a little about the subject.  

I am going to spend the day doing nothing.  That’s my plan.  Say goodby to the old year in style.

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