Thursday, December 16, 2021

I felt that the way the Bible story of creation was being taught was from a “You just have to have faith that it is true,” position.  Which was limp and wimpy.  And not necessary.

I decided to really read what it said, and found that it was exactly scientifically true.  Three words are used.  Create, make, and let.  If you understand those words, the first chapter of Genesis reads perfectly.  
Create: Take absolutely nothing and design a perfect thing.
Let:  Allow something to occur.  “Let me get that for you, or let me out at the corner.
Make: Take something that already exists and “make” a different thing. Use cloth, scissors, thread, etc., and make a dress.

The word “create” is only used three times in Genesis chapter 1.  God created the heavens and earth.  He created great behemoths (mammals).  And man.  everything else was making and letting--or allowing to happen.

Only the first verse deals with creation of the earth.  All of the other verses are about reconstruction of a “void, dark, formless mess found in verse 2.  The dinosaurs died, but water life continued as it always had.  Then 66 million years later, God got back into the creation business.

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