Tuesday, December 7, 2021

I would swear dad told me about Belle Starr.  But no, even though my brother and I both remember that, it couldn’t be true.  She died before dad was born.  It must have been the Dalton brothers.  I wish I had written everything down.  It was probably his dad that knew Belle.  I know they fed her from the cafe.

I spent all morning in the emergency room.  I have lymphedema in my right arm from the chemo and radiation I had years ago.  My arm goes septic from time to time. It’s a blood infection that spreads.  It was so tiring--and took too much time.  I’m running a fever And of course, the worst part was the bed they put me on.  It like to killed my back.  

Used to be you went to the doctor, he asked, “What’s wrong?” You told him and he gave you medicine.  Now, all of the medical people are trying not to get sued.  And it takes forever to get in and out with all the paper work.

I think we may have too many lawyers.  They need cases.  And there aren’t enough cases to go around.  Medical suits are lucrative.

Anyway, I’m really sick.  My arm is bright red, hot, and the infection is spreading.  I’ve been hospitalized for this 7 times.   Today they gave me a drip antibiotic and finally let me go home, but I have to go back in tomorrow.  Some day, I think that this is going to get me.

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