Friday, December 17, 2021

God created man for a reason that was different from the other forms of life.  Man was created as a communicator with God himself.  God breathed into man the breath of life.  His holy Spirit.  
We were created “In His Image.”  God didn’t want a robot.  He gave us the gift of choice.  He chose us...but we are free to choose him as well--or not.

It is a wonderful thing to be chosen.  When Ken asked me to marry him, he would fly back and forth every weekend from Pensacola--where he was teaching pilots to hook wire on a carrier.  He would ask me to marry him, I would say no, and he would do the same thing all over again the next weekend.  He chose me.  That is the most wonderful thing in the world--to be chosen.  I finally said yes.  Best decision I ever made.  57 years of wonderful.

God chose us.  But He did not make the relationship automatic.  We must choose him back.  He gave us choice.  A relationship must be two-way for it to endure.  The Old Testament is the story of God’s desire to put his Holy Spirit--the breath of God--back into man.  It took a sacrifice for our rebellion. God’s only Son.  When we choose God’s gift, we once again become whole.  In his image.  

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