Wednesday, December 22, 2021

I’m having trouble with new words because I can’t see the thing they stand for.  Words like “Streaming,” and “Bluetooth.” Every time a new word comes out about my phone or TV or computer, I can’t figure out what the word means.  When I was growing up, words represented things. Or emotions, or ideas.  Now they stand for invisible occurrences that you use in some capacity.

Pod cast.  What does that mean?  It sounds like pea pod shells you threw away and cast out.  I am always going to be a day late and a dollar short about what these words mean.

And letters.  Nobody uses the entire words for things.  They are identified by letters.  Scotus, etc.  Someone asked me if I had tried CBD for my pain.  “What’s CBD?” I asked.  “You know...weed,” they answered.  I said, “No, I grow tomatoes.  I throw the weeds out.

Someone trying to learn the language of America for the first time wouldn’t understand if you said you were, “Behind the eight ball.’  Or “That’s so funny I’m in stitches.”  It’s hard enough learning English without all the letters and funny names for things.  

I can’t keep up with it.  Technology is moving faster than I can think.

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