Tuesday, December 14, 2021

 Every day, when I open my Mac to post, I wonder what I am going to have to say.  After over 2000 posts, I’m running out of stuff.  But some of you joined late, so I guess I could repeat myself.  I don’t think any of you would remember what I wrote five years ago anyway.

I started out because I wanted to get the word out there that the first chapter of Genesis was scientifically accurate.  It still is.  As long as you recognize that dinosaurs existed and that they have to fit into the Biblical account somewhere.

We only have two records of those times.  The Biblical account, and the strata remains in the earth. (Bones, leaves, etc. laid down  year after year in layers of dirt--strata.)  Strata also exists in the ice cores at the poles.  Dust, volcanic ash, etc. laid down in yearly layers of ice.

They  have huge warehouses of ice cores at the pole to be used by scientists who study strata.  Watch Nova.  Anyway, dinosaurs existed and went extinct 66 million years ago all at once.  And strata holds no fossils after that.  No evolution data.  Verse one of Genesis says God created two things, the heavens and the earth.  Verse two says the earth was a void, dark, formless mass.  Not very pretty.  Something happened between those two verses to destroy His creation.

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