Thursday, May 13, 2021

A dear friend from the class graduating the year after me got “not good” news yesterday.  Surgery couldn’t provide a stent to the liver due to side issues and he has been sent home to hospice.

Those of us who are in our eighties are vanishing.  We are the children of World War Two; we remember.  The silly problems that people are complaining and protesting about in today’s world are totally insignificant compared to those of the early nineteen-forties.  The nazis, the holocaust,, the fall of France, the lack of basic necessities in America.  No gas, tires, food shortages and on and on...not for one year but for six or seven. 

We are so blessed to live in America.  People from all over the world want to get into our country.  Other countries don’t usually have that problem.  And you don’t see Americans struggling to leave and get into some other country.  The truth is that we are truly “The land of opportunity.”  Here, you have a chance to rise above your current situation.

We somehow believe we are destined to always be blessed by God no matter what we do.  That is not true.  God’s blessings come with obedience to him.  You cannot re-invent what the Bible says about things that God says are wrong and expect Him to change his mind.  

He is God.  If he says something is wrong, it is wrong.  If America wants his blessings, we must repent from wrong ideas and actions.  Now.


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