Friday, May 28, 2021

After saying “no” for months to the pain specialist about going to physical therapy, I finally gave in and went yesterday.  When the therapist got through with me--after an hour--I was never going back again.  I was in misery.  He hit every ligament and tendon in my back with every thing he had in his bag of tricks.  

But today, I am almost pain free.  Amazing.

It’s hard to admit when you are wrong.  So, I was wrong.  I’m going back next Tuesday and give it another try.  Maybe my doctor knows more than I do?

I only have 38 more pages to edit in the book about my brother.  He is then going to read it one more time and then I’m going to print it and submit it.  And pray.

The rain yesterday was a frog-strangler.  I called Carolyn and went out on the back porch for her to be able to hear it coming down.  It was so violent that it roared.  I got an emergency alert for flooding from the weather alert system it was so bad.

But someone else got the tornados.  And the hail.  Sorry for them.  Happy for me.

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