Monday, May 3, 2021

 Every Monday, five of us are doing a word recognition in the New Testament by coloring a word a particular color.  Today my friend Jeanette helped us identify the word “angel.”  There are a bunch of them.

The object of what we are doing is to become aware of certain themes in the Bible.  It has been very interesting.  I had no idea the word “angel” was referred to so many time.

The Jews were used to angels.  God spoke to them through prophets and angels.  So perhaps that is why they are mentioned so often.

But we Christians miss the opportunities we have from God by not recognizing what He sends angels to do for us.  One verse talks of little children having a personal angel.  In another Jesus says we should become like children in the way we receive his words. 

Another says that sometimes we meet angels unaware.  They are sent to help us and we don’t even know we have met them.

Now when I thumb through the Word of God, I see the word “Angel” with a pink circle, a halo, around the word.  It draws my mind to the subject and causes me to think.  I’ve never done anything like this before, it isn’t a Bible study, it is an awareness exercise.  It has been interesting. 

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