Friday, May 14, 2021

How can it be Friday again.  But then, how can it be the middle of May?  Last year dragged.  This year is vanishing.  And I still don’t have the okra in the ground because it is too cold.  Okra likes hot.

My gardener came yesterday and finished transplanting 14 or more different shrubs.  He did twice the work, because he had to dig them all up before he moved them.  I went out to water a moment ago and they all look like they are going to make it.  I was going to do this three years ago but I pooped out.

I love it when a job is DONE.

Ann comes to get me this morning and we will go to breakfast and then check out the garage sales.  I am in an I-Hop crepe, strawberry and whipped cream mood.  

Have a wonderful weekend.  Looks like part of the state is going to get hail.  It’s going to miss Oklahoma City I think.  I hope so.  I gave Ken’s car to my grandson and it is sitting out.  I’m going to have them put it back in my garage until it’s over.  Just in case.

Another grandson face-timed me yesterday.  I have grandsons who are good to call and check on me.

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