Monday, May 24, 2021

I’ve been under the weather.  It wouldn’t have been a big deal , but Becky Bacon was coming Saturday with her sister from the East coast, and I had to tell her not to come.

Of course--because she knows me well and loves me--she called my daughter Pat, who called to check on me.  And Tom wanted me to get a Covid test.  It was probably something I ate?  I’m not going to get a test.  I’ve had both shots.  I don’t think they were happy that I hadn’t told them I was ill. Maybe I should have.  It’s hard to go from being independent to being “kinda iffy.”

I couldn’t go teach my class Sunday.  Second time in five years.  So, at least I know when to shut down and stay home.

I’m better today.  I don’t like being sick.

I am going to call and get set up for the laser on my back.  It didn’t work last week.  Maybe it will work this time.  My brother says I don’t have anything to lose by trying.

Tomatoes are blooming.  Okra is up.  Astilbe is blooming pink, pink, pink.

I love my gardens. 

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