Tuesday, May 18, 2021

I’m going to have my back ablated again today.  The only part I don’t like is being put to sleep.

It’s frustrating to have to do this again.  They won’t permanently do it  unless a temporary nerve block has worked twice.  This is the second time.  It worked last time for a few weeks.  Just want it over.

Tomatoes are blooming.  Okra is in.  Now all I have to do is sit and watch.

It is supposed to rain every day this week.  The weather man said that we would get a frog-strangler during the night last night.  Nothing.  I wonder where they get their info?

The sun is coming up.  It’s time to start my day--however--I don’t have a single thing to start.  I’m reading Winston Churchill’s book, “Their Finest Hour.”  I am half way through.  I didn’t realize that most of the French politicians wanted to sign a treaty with Germany and give up.

They were defeated mentally.  But England fought on.  Germany couldn’t get a landing force across water without air supremacy--and Germany didn’t have that.  I had no idea the millions of decisions that had to be made to fight a war.  It is mind boggling. 

It has been difficult to read because Winston includes every memo to every person in his cabinet and also to other countries.  Zillions of memos.

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