Monday, May 17, 2021

Yesterday in class we discussed a statement that Jesus made when he was on the cross.  “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

The discussion was lively.  I asked the question: “How can someone be forgiven if they haven’t repented?”

Another question: “Why didn’t Jesus forgive them himself?  Why ask the Father to do it?”

Another: “Who was He asking forgiveness for?  Was it the high priests and Pharisees who had him sentenced?  

Or the Roman soldiers who nailed him to the cross?  

Or the crowd who was taunting him?  

Or was it for the onlookers?  

Or was it for the world, for us?”

It is always interesting to ask a question nobody has thought of asking themselves before.  One thing that was a positive answer: Jesus paid the price for our sin.  He is our High Priest who intercedes to the Father to forgive us.

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