Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Everything went well with my procedure.  I think it had the effect the surgeon wanted.  I’ll know soon whether I am a candidate for the permanent nerve block.  I’m ready.  Any relief from pain is a plus.

Weatherman said severe storms for the last two days.  Didn’t happen.  A little rain.  Weather people have great jobs.  They drum up anxiety that the end is coming, and don’t lose their jobs when they are wrong.

The post office delivered my tax forms to mail a check and when I wasn’t home, said they would try again.  That was four days ago.  No show.  So I went to the post office this morning and got them.  I guess my taxes are going to be late.  So I may be blogging from jail.

In a few minutes, I’m going to supervise the planters who are putting in Jeanette’s  front bed in front of the porch and between the porch and the sidewalk.  She wants me to say where they go.  I don’t mind doing that.  Better two heads than one.

I forgot to go to the Bible school meeting on Sunday afternoon.  I hope they let me work anyway.  I’m going to try and handle two grandsons this year.  Brady is in the third grade.  Tate in kindergarten.  Tate is a live wire and Brady pokes his buttons.  It’s going to be a handful for an old woman.  But it will be fun as well.

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