Thursday, May 20, 2021

Well, the procedure didn’t work this time.  The doctor said it doesn’t always work--but after doing it on the right side with such dramatic results, I was hopeful.  I don’t know what the next step is.

I finally got my taxes in.  Late.  They haven’t come for me yet.  Maybe the IRS won’t notice??

This was my worst procrastination yet, but really, it was the post office delivery man that goofed.  He left a notice--first notice was how it was marked.  Four days later I hadn’t gotten a second notice.  I’ll tell the IRS that it wasn’t my fault???

Discussion at teacher’s meeting last night was interesting.  Eight teachers, all knowledgeable of the Bible, digging into the fine points that nobody else would probably ask.  Just in case someone asks.

I whipped real cream this morning.  To put over fresh sliced strawberries. I knew buying them both at the store was a mistake.  Now I have to eat it all.  Mama taught me never to waste food.

Wonder how many pounds that is going to be.  I need a partner in crime.

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