Tuesday, May 4, 2021

After over 2000 posts, you would think I would figure out how to preset the type size and the font.  But no...I set it every time I write.

I am not an “Read the instructions” learner.  Someone has to show me.  I learn by watching.  And my Mac computer doesn’t have an instructor to go with it.  It just has instructions.

One problem with that is that they use words I don’t know to explain a process I don’t know.  Hard to do when you don’t know the language.

And I am not the greatest listener in the world either.  If I miss a point, I can’t just skip it and go on.  I stop.  Dead stop.

I found out when I was teaching math at a college that students didn’t learn the same way.  So I would present an idea on the board.  Explain it verbally, and then end up at some student’s desk to show them how.

I think that is why I am enjoying this exercise of marking themes in color that show up in the Bible.  There are no instructions with the words I highlight.  It just serves as a “notice.”

It’s pouring down rain, so it will be a good day to do nothing.

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