Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Today I am going to eat Chinese with Jeanette.  Very exciting.  However, it doesn’t take much to get me excited after this pandemic.  

The horrible freeze we had killed all of her shrubs in her front flower bed, shrubs that had been there for probably over fifteen years.  The ones like that at the church got frozen as well.  I’d guess they lost fifty shrubs.

These are the kind of shrubs that are supposed to live through cold weather; however, the freeze we had went on forever and was awful.

Anyway, we are going to the nursery to see what she should buy to replace them.  And design a layout.

I lost three shrubs.  I thought I lost my thirty foot high myrtle, but it is showing signs of recovery.

The tomatoes are doing well.  The okra isn’t.  I will have to plant it again.  It hasn’t been hot enough to grow okra.

I do what I can and God does the rest.

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