Tuesday, May 11, 2021

 Today, Ron is coming to transplant shrubs.  I hit one of those end of summer sales at Lowe’s and bought a bunch of stuff last October.  Stuck it all in the ground with no plan.  I planned to replant in the spring.  But my back went south and I couldn’t get it done last spring

Big mistake.  It will cost more to straighten all that out than if I had paid full price and had it done right.

Oh, well.  It is what it is.

The freeze got some of them.  Of course it got the most expensive bush, a yew.

I have found a wonderful “Yummy China” close to where I live.  They deliver.  I ordered beef and broccoli with fried rice and it was yummy.  Their name says it all.  I can eat something there once a week and try everything they make.  I love Chinese.  I like to eat it for breakfast.

I’ve been helping Jeanette figure out what to plant in her front bed.  She lost everything--everything--in the freeze.  As you drive around town, it’s apparent that she wasn’t the only one.  There are dead trees and shrubs everywhere.  The church lost every foundation shrub they had.  Looks like more than fifty of them!

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