I survived. But blogging every day may be a thing of the past. Julie, my adopted fifth child, told me to write about God changing his mind about something. One thing I remember is (In the Old Testament) a man was told by God that he was going to die. He begged for more time and God gave him fifteen more years. In those years, he had a son who is one of the most evil people in the Bible. Maybe it would have been better if he died when he was supposed to?
If God isn’t capable of changing his mind or being influenced by our prayers, why pray? He says "Ask, and you shall receive.” I don’t think we get everything we ask for sometimes...because it is not in the “Big Plan” or in our best interests (God sees the future) but Jesus said if your son asks for a good thing, will you give him a bad thing? I would look it up but I don’t know how to write and search Google at the same time. Tech incompetant. I’ll try to get my quotes together next time I write.